Thursday 19 July 2012

my week so far

my dad dropped me off at school. but when i got there and i saw tara something was wrong i wont say what but when i found out i couldn't  take it in at first. but after a couple of hours it sank in. we had sports day today i had to run 100m yeah right i cant even run down the hall without giving up i aint lazy i just really hate running if you know what i mean LMAO. my form wasn't going to win like always. we lost in tug of war. and bench ball and then someone burst the volly-ball. we even lost in kick ball rounders. i looked like a right nob on my way home though getting on the tram with 4 red and yellow strips on my face and BMA on my head. 
i got some right looks on the tram.
it was my birthday and i was going to alton tower. i got an animal bag and a pair of vans. my dad dropped me off at tara's and her mum and her was shouting because she lost they key. we was TWO hours late because all the buses and cars were getting stuck at this one part of the road so we just sat there. and her stupid boyfriend brad followed us round all day like a lost puppy i wanted to bloody kill him but i did end up punching im on the way to hex. he had it comng. but tara didnt even tell him to piss off. i really wished lauren and mikky would have came it would have been better if they came too. even though i hate brad he is still a good lad i just cant stand him half the time.
last day of term and the last day of being a Y9 only had a half day. my teacher was eating my best-friend (skittles) and then taking the mik out of the way i sound so i just called him a geek because hes got loads of laptops and shit like that and started to show off with her iphone and made the rest of us with shitty backberrys feel even lower about our phones. it was my form teachers last day she was leaving because she needs to move on (didnt blame her really)  but there this one girl in my form bryony i cant stand her. she said that me and tara was saying nasty things about her even tried to get us in shit daint work though. she thinks that we are friends yeah in my dreams i would rather be mates this JB (not being nasty jb lovers). then she wanted a drink of my coke-cola i had to be nice i pulled on a smile and nodded ugh i wanted to pour it over her hair so much. and my form came second in sports day. i was shocked. but 9MBU cam first of well.
all i did today was sit on my laptop in my room and pack my bag for my nans and get shouted at. dont see the point of making my bed it only gets messed up when i go to bed anyway? thinking of bed i miss mine so much i think i might go to bed anyway. but i better carry on wth this its only 10pm goddddddd why do i want to go to bed at this time i wonder if lauren wants to come on skype?? probs not she might be with her brother watching telly but me on the other hand i like to sit in my room by my self. like i said ive changed i was always outside and with my friends before it happened but what ever i happy now.  still gotta take tables because of my cough great i had them. but now ive gotta go to bed because my sister is taking me down town tomorrow really when cant i stay at home? and ive just been scared for life by my dad
anyway im going see ya byeeee
-until next time

this is me

hi im charlotte some of my friends call me charlie or charlseey but call me charlseey
it all started a few months aggo when i was getting ready to go to the flicks with my older sister when my phone rang
my mum had been in for 4 months now she had cancer
it was someone i knew from down the street they asked if i was my dad or sister and i gave my sister the phone and she just bust out in tears i know what had happened i knew that my mum had passed away i couldnt go back to walsall. so i stopped in sheffield 3 months later im just getting my life back on track ive got the most amazing friends
but heres the thing i will never be me again ive changed so much and because ive changed so much its too much to go back to my old self

my first day at springs was kinda scary but theres this lad there and he really cute and nice he aint a jerk like other lads he funny. but i will never even notice me i mean i sound weird and i act weird. so i might as well move on with my life anyway.
ever since i moved up hear i've had to put up with a lot of crap from people who i thought was my best-friends in walsall. well that proves something. sometimes i wish i never went to that school theres so many bitchs and cunts there i didnt know where to turn but i found some people who i could really count on there amazing as hell.

so im a Y10 now god its weird being a year older and having new friends but its like ive known them my whole life now they made me fell so welcome. when i started i thought everybody would hate me because of the way i sound and the music i like and my style but i was wrong. as i started to get to know everybody people at my old school slowly started to turn on me. oh well i dont need them anymore do i?
i know who my true friends are and thats the only thing that matters really.

untill next time
-charlseey <3